
Bee Lawn - Pollinator Friendly Seed Mix - 50 lb Bag

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Transform your traditional turf grass to a flowering bee haven with our Bee Lawn Seed Mix! Due to loss of forage, pesticide use and the introduction of pest and diseases, our pollinators need your help! Each bag of Bee Lawn Seed Mix is developed by the University of Minnesota and contains the following pollinator friendly plants: 23.5% Creeping Red Fescue, 23% Chewings Fescue, 23% Hard Fescue, 23% Sheep Fescue, 4.5% White Clover, 2.3% Self-Heal, and 0.7% Creeping Thyme.


  • 6.50 x 38.50 x 21.50 inches
  • 52.30 LBS
